May 2022 eNewsletter

Clinic & Finca Needs

The Sacred Heart Medical Clinic and the Farm of the Child are in need of various medical supplies, medications and clothing. These items are expensive to purchase in Honduras and often unavailable especially now.

One of our missionary nurses, Karen Rodriguez, will be on her home visit to the United States this month and will bring back donations when she returns to the Farm of the Child later in the month.

If you are able to help provide our clinic and community with these crucial items, you can view their Amazon wish lists here:

Easter at the Finca

The Easter season is a busy time at the Finca starting with a Palm Sunday Procession through Trujillo and continuing by celebrating each day of Holy Week to its full extent in Community. From Holy Thursday Feet Washing to the Reenactment of the Passion of Christ, the children and community were able to celebrate to the fullest extent the journey that Christ had on his road to Calvary. All the events of Holy Week culminate in an Easter celebration where everyone in the community truly understands the joy that is merited in Christ's Resurrection

Zulena’s Visit

We are so grateful that our founder, Zulena has been able to spend the last month at the Farm of the Child! She is pictured here during an ice cream eating competition with the children on the hottest day of the year. We are blessed by her presence and continual "Yes" in serving all aspects of this Mission.

Thank you, Allison!

Thank you to Allison for her 4 years of service to the Farm as our Program Administrator. Allison and her husband will be moving back to St.Louis and both will be starting new positions- Allison with Magis America and Nathan with the Knights of Columbus Insurance. Please keep them in your prayers as they make these transitions!

Meet Sara, our new Program Administrator

Please help us welcome Sara Wizniuk as our new Program Administrator! Sara brings incredible skills and love for the Farm as a former missionary (2011-2013) who served in our school and in Phase II, Spanish educator, and real estate agent. She has experience and training in caring for vulnerable children as a foster and adoptive mother. She and her husband Paul have three beautiful children and live in Nashville, TN.

Sara Wizniuk